I’m not special!

Appreciation, Hope, Joy, Love

I was told the other day that I was special. I had shared my beliefs, and adversities that I’ve experienced in my life, with a woman and she told me I was special. I thought for just one second and replied with a smile, “I’m not special, I’m stubborn.”

There is nothing special about me. At my core I am no different from that woman, nor am I any different from any of you reading this. We are all made in the image and likeness of One creator, One substance, that pervades each one of us.

All I have done in my life is to be as stubborn as possible and refuse to accept the opinions of others that do not resonate with my heart. That doesn’t mean I haven’t listened to the opinion of others, it means that I have not allowed their opinions to affect the knowing I felt in my heart.

I am asked quite frequently, “How are you so happy?” And the answer is quite simple, I have refused to let the words and actions of others affect the happiness I wanted to feel. I am happy because I consciously find things to be happy about. I am happy because I have practiced listening to my gut. I am happy because I choose to be happy and not let anyone affect that.

I am not special. The Life Force that pervades every atom of my being is the same exact Life Force that pervades every atom of your being! We are One! I am you, you are me! I am not monetarily rich, I do not have the best body, I am not in a romantic relationship, and yet I feel happy simply because I choose to be.

I am not special, I am no different from you. I hear it all the time, “Zach, why are you always smiling? Every time I see you you are always happy and smiling.” Well, you guessed it…I choose to smile. It is not something that is pressed upon me because I am in Divine favor. I am smiling because I have so much to be grateful for! I am smiling because I know that you are just as wonderful and beautiful and Divine as I am. I am smiling because although experiences in this life seem tough, we always get past them and are better off for having experienced them.

I am not special. “Zach, why are you so positive all the time?” Why aren’t you positive all the time? I understand that there is suffering occurring in this world, poverty, hunger, so many atrocities. However, when I see that I do not dwell on where my brothers and sisters are suffering, I see them thriving. I ask myself what can I do to better their situation? Should I pity these people or should I acknowledge the abundance and ecstasy I wish my brothers and sisters to experience and let that inspire me to make a change? Out of the depths of darkness these people, our brothers and sisters, experience they grow strong! Their strength is unlike that of many of us who have never experienced such atrocities. So why shouldn’t I be positive? The suffering people go through strengthens them emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and from that perspective I will find what I can do to help them.

So, as you can see, I am not special. I have experienced a similar amount of suffering as you. I have dealt with death, dis-ease, heart-break, physical ailments, emotional turbulence, mentally instability, just as we all have. All I have done was been stubborn towards the opinions of others if it insulted my soul. We are free! Truly unlimited beings, able to consciously imagine and bring forth anything we choose, and yet we fall short. We fall short because we allow others to insult our soul, our heart’s beliefs.

Do you want to be happy? Do you want to smile? Do you want to be positive? Then stop allowing the opinions of others to continually insult your soul. You do not need anyone to approve of your dreams or heart’s desires…you simply need the strength and faith to say, “I will because my heart says so.” And then all those outside voices will quiet while you begin to live your dreams.

But you know what, I am special…and you are special…and you are special…and you…and you and yes! Even you!!! We are the children of Divinity. Each one of us connected and yet perfectly individual and unique!!! We are special!!! So let’s begin to walk like it!! Let’s begin to act like we’re special!! Let’s begin to talk like we’re special!!! Let’s begin to treat each other with the kindness and Love that we are all special!! When we are all able to recognize how special and perfect we truly are is a day that is soon upon us!! So let us get started now and let every one else know how truly special they are as well!!! I love you all so very dearly and am so excited to see our unfolding!!

With All My Love,
